Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Small Change

Well, in response to my previous post, the Sewanee Whistle Society went out door to door on the Sewanee campus to ask for spare change or dollars to help out Falling Whistles. In all, we got about $1000!!! AWESOME!
The coolest thing about it though I think is the fact that we had $110 just in spare change that was collected. We had a debate when we were sorting coins about pennies and change in general. Personally, I am pro penny. And this shows why. Over time change adds up, just like over time groups build momentum and membership. Right now our small Whistle Society, which only has about 10 regulars, may seem like a penny. It may take us time to build up to nickle or even golden dollar status, but one day we will be something useful. I just know it. And I sure hope that I get to be a part of that