Sunday, June 12, 2011

Well now I'm home?

Well I'm home now! Weird.....

Strange culture things that I have noticed since coming home:
- The big gaps between stalls in bathrooms! Haha the first weird thing I noticed
- People bag groceries here! I went to the end of the line with a cart to get the groceries and then someone else grabbed them...
- It weirded me out that I could talk to strangers in english and they would understand me!
- The first time ordering in english in a restaurant
- Portion sizes in drinks
- Big highways and cars

So a few random things!
And now its summer! I am so stoked for this summer for a number of reasons! Mostly because I am doing the BEST internship EVER!! Seriously, the program is Breakthrough Atlanta, the local program from Breakthrough Collaborative! This program is AMAZING! It stands for everything in education that I stand for and I could not be more blessed to be working for such a fabulous organization this summer! In addition to the wonderful organization, I am also working with some wonderful people! The interns all also believe in the same mission, which makes the whole atmosphere so positive!! I am teaching science to 7th graders...and if you know me, you are probably laughing right now. I was never one of those kids in school was an english/history or math/science person, I was just ok at both of them. Haha this led me to major in psychology. So when I told my friends and family that I was teaching science, they first laughed. That aside, I am STOKED to be teaching this summer! I also get to teach German, which is AWESOME!! I am just so excited about this summer!! Nervous...but excited!
I also really want to get products out this summer, summer goal!